Background Check Report for business partners, owners, vendors, locate liens judgments, bankruptcies, real property, adress history and possible relatives

You are planning to sign a contract with a business partner in Ukraine, or you have suspicions regarding the fulfillment of a contract that has already been signed, terms of delivery or payment for goods are delayed, debit liability cropped up, found out unpleasant news from your competitors: our detectives will conduct a corporate investigation and give you an adequate answer about:
• Registration Information (Address, Capital, Shareholder, Director, Other Information)
• Corporate Profile
• Director or Shareholder Background Checks
• Bankruptcy, Credit and Suit Records Checks
• Reputation and Condition Check
• Due Diligence
• Asset Search
and they will give recommendations about:
– the feasibility of partnership;
– the possibility of returning receivables;
– prospects for solving the problem

For Business

Protect your business from risk, theft or fraud with a professional and reliable private investigator

For Personal

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